Friday, February 6, 2009

What I've Been Up To

My most recent piece of writing, published at the Rainier Valley Post blog, is I think, the best writing I've done to date. It's called "The Wrong Side of MLK: A Dispatch from the Nation's Most Diverse Zip Code" and is basically my attempt to answer the question, "What is it like to live in southeast Seatte?"

Like my last writing project, it's also an attempt to shine a light on how grassroots civic participation in southeast Seattle works - who participates, what are the terms of participation, who doesn't participate and why, and what social groups are aligned around particular issues.

I plan to make this the focus of my research and writing for the next couple of years. I'll write about my impressions as I go along here.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hi John.
I like your new digs! I actually chose this same look for one of my own (private) blogs.

I look forward to the content and have updated my subscriptions to try and keep up with your posts here.